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What is copy machine?

What is a copy machine? You might say its that one device in your office that copies, scans and prints, so what more do you need know? Well did you know that your photocopier machine can do so much more than just printing and scanning? There are some great things that your copier of MFP   can do to make your everyday tasks around the office much easier as listed below.

  • Scan to Email- This is a great way to send and share your documents with your co-workers and clients. All you must do is scan your documents to your email and are sent directly to your inbox. It is even easier to share documents with your employees who are working remotely
  • Ability to Print from Home- A Mobile Printing App allows you to print from your smart-phone device.
  • User Pin Codes- Document confidentiality

At IBS we’ve got the best business consultants to make this adjustment a little easier on you and your wallet.


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